
Khushi - When You Start

Honestly, this past month has been a whirlpool. I haven't successfully fallen in love with any new musician, so I'm stuck listening to old stuff that I'm honestly becoming quite tired of. I guess I'm supposed to always be on the lookout for new shit or something...but I'm not sure what's happening. Lo-fi seems too banal, shoegazing is too noisy, typical alt is too typical, and electro is too expected.

But some positive news, check out Khushi. I'm not sure how long they've been around, but their music sounds like something that would be on the soundtrack of a sad coming-of-age movie about sad coming-of-age stuff - real nice. I definitely want them on the official soundtrack the My Life (20-whatever): Original Motion Picture. Of course, directed by Woody Allen and accompanying score written by Phillip Glass. Duh. Best movie ever.

Sorry for the crappy post. Here's a picture of the perfect family Halloween costume:

via tumblr


Tree - Demons (ft. Beat Culture & Lena Kuhn)

With unique experimental beats and erraticly haunting vocals in Tree's recent EP, 'Demons', I am entirely convinced that anyone and absolutely everyone will be mesmerized by Oliver Nickell's work. And the result of fantastic vocals and ambient beats? Musical balance that is indescribably diverse.

Quite honestly, Tree's tracks remind me of an early Toro Y Moi back in '09 crossed over with elements from Imagine Dragons's 'Radioactive'. Maybe it's just me, but I don't know, I kinda miss '09 Toro Y Moi. So yeah, Tree's EP definitely brought back some retrospective memories.

photo via google

Tracklisting to 'Demons' EP
1. Demons (ft. Beat Culture & Lena Kuhn)
2. Karma Police
3. Stuck Down the Wrong Rabbit Hole (ft. Beat Culture & Lena Kuhn)

The beats in all of his tracks are so freaking encompassing. You can feel it on the ground the same way you feel Flume's. The clarity of his vocals definitely make the tracks even more eerie. Personally for me, the true gem was his recreation of Radiohead's 'Karma Police', where Tree's vocals truly excel. Tree even co-directed the amazing music video for the cover himself! Watch it down below. 

Tree's EP was released recently and can be purchased here. He's also got a soundcloud where his other tracks are up for streaming. Check them out!


Border Line - King Krule

Okay, I know I've mentioned King Krule in nearly every single post this month, but I'm sorry...I can't help it. Ever since I discovered him a year ago, I have been completely infatuated with the music he has been making, old and new. 

2 days ago he revealed via facebook that his new album 6 Feet Beneath the Moon would be available for online streaming on his website. After some digging around, I realized that pitchfork has also revealed this Easter egg for KK fans. So guess what I've been doing non-stop for the past day.

After pre-ordering the album on amazon (which everyone can do from the link given on the webpage while watching the streets of London from a live CCTV feed and listening to 6FBTM), I have decided to review it. Is it too soon? It's not even released yet? But who cares, clash has already beaten me to it and I've already fallen completely in love with it. 

photo via google

6 Feet Beneath the Moon
1. Easy Easy
2. Border Line
3. Has this Hit?
4. Foreign 2
5. Ceiling
6. Baby Blue
7. Cementality
8. A Lizard State
9. Will I Come
10. Ocean Bed
11. Neptune Estate
12. The Krockadile
13. Out Getting Ribs
14. Bathed in Grey

Okay if you haven't seen the videos released on his youtube channel, go watch them and be completely mindfucked by the cover art madness. 

Them come back and read this. Or whatever. The order doesn't really matter anymore. First of all, 5 of the 14 tracks are old ones from his early album U.F.O.W.A.V.E. (kudos if you knew this). This includes the good ol Zoo Kid-dayz tracks like "Out Getting Ribs" and "Baby Blue". But he's taken those old tracks, reworked ALL OF THEM, and created a mass eargasm experience. The reworked tracks are obviously different from the original ones, incorporating his new beats and aesthetics into the static-ey originals. It's up to one's opinion as to whether they prefer an old track or the new reworked ones, but in all honesty they are all so enjoyable there's no choosing for me. Because you can hear his dog barking in "Has This Hit?" and that's so chill. 

I haven't even gotten to talking about the new tracks. The real gems. From the intro, "Easy Easy", to the outtro, "Bathed in Grey", there's a constant factor of coolness that is present in all the songs. The lyrics shouldn't be lyrics to songs, but compiled in a book of poetry. 

So yes, beats are still sick, lyrics are still good, and everything still completely authentic and cool. I give this album a 10/10 (yes, I am completely aware that my opinion probably doesn't matter in the music world but who gives a shit).

Have a great night.


Birds - Poor Moon

Ahh this isn't music related but I've been nominated for the Liebster Award by Sophie from Pretty Passions Fine Fashions! So thank you very much, Sophie!


Here's something to listen to while you're reading this/figuring out what to do.

  • You must share 11 things about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions that your tagger has given you.
  • Choose 11 other blogs for the nomination. Nominees must have under 200 followers on Google Friend Connect.
  • Leave 11 questions for your nominees.
  • Lastly, thank the person that nominated you and link back to their blog.

  • I hate coming up with answers to vague prompts like "share 11 things about yourself".
  • I like being completely anonymous on the internet (it gives me the opportunity to be completely honest!)
  • I have an impeccable bullshit-detector. Impeccable
  • I finished the entire 4 seasons of Arrested Development in two days.
  • I was sleep deprived during those two days.
  • Having nothing to do makes me so happy.
  • Summer is incredibly boring at the moment due to the fact that all my friends are elsewhere
  • I make most of my playlists during long, boring car rides. 
  • I have trouble finishing things. My sketchbook is filled with half-drawn shit.
  • I am a self-proclaimed music scavenger. I scavenge. 
  • None of the people I know in real life are aware of the fact that I have a blog


1. What's your favourite band?
I don't have a favorite band, I've got twenty. To choose a favorite band for me is a life-and-death decision that could take days to come to a conclusive decision. 

2. If you had a time machine, where is the first place that you would go?
Start of freshman year - because it's now too late to mass murder all those motherfuckers. I would want to go back to the 80s' and be Carrie Bradshaw, but coming back to the present day would just set me off my feet a little.

3. Do you have any posters on your bedroom walls? What are they of?
Ok obvi really typical but a Smiths one, a Breakfast Club one, an Art Institute of Chicago one, and an Arrested Development one.

4. Who are your heroes?
All the women out there in the real world fighting for justice. You're all my heroes.

5. Who's your favourite writer/author?
Charles Fucking Bukowski.

6. What's your favourite magazine?
I don't read magazines. 

7. Do you like Rookiemag? Do you read it regularly? Do you have a favourite Rookie post?
Rookiemag is my inspiration to do and say the right (or wrong) thing in our present day society. I check it at least three times a day to see if any Easter eggs have cracked. My favorite post will forever be this oneGoddammit it's helped me get by since 2011.

8. Which film makes you laugh the most?
Dazed and Confused!

9. What's the best concert you've ever been to?
This Bluejuice and Cairos one where it was underground in the city and and some kids were so high they started dancing crazily during the interval and eventually got the whole crowd to dance to the elevator music playing in the background. They had iPhone strobe lights and everything. It was hilarious.

10. If you could be in any TV series, what series would it be and why?
How I Met Your Mother - because I NEED to know where MacLaren's is. 

11. (Copied from Mabel)Put the first picture you come across here when you refresh your tumblr or blog timeline.

Cute, via tumblr

11 NOMINATIONS (this was really hard)
^^^check these guys out^^^

1. First of all, how are you?
2. Favorite album?
3. Describe your favorite pair of socks.
4. If you could permanently change (or fix) something, what would it be?
6. Least favorite book?
7. How much cash do you have on you right now?
8. How old are you?
9. Film or digital?
10. Have you ever taken a stand? If so, how was it?
11. Ever pulled a prank? If so, what was your best prank? If not, what prank would you consider pulling?

Ok this was time consuming bye. 


The Morning After ft. Anna Paul - LUUUL

Lately I've been spending a tremendous amount of time outdoors instead of being cooked up inside my bedroom in 90 degree heat. You guessed it, "spending time outside" = tanning. Everyone favorite summer past time is to go outside and somewhat attempt to tan (for those who burn, I apologize [Jergens is always an option]). Most choose to drown themselves in an interesting book, but although I do love reading, for me, tanning ≠ reading. So this is for all you folk who'd rather lie down and listen to tunes than risk having a book-shaped tan line on your legs.  This playlist has got your share of well known/i-guess-not-that-well-known tracks, enjoy. A little less lo-fi, a little more beats. And YES, two Flume mixes were et necesse. 

I Don't Burn I Tan
1. Keepitreal - FloFilz
2. Jacuzzi Floozies - Little Smoke
3. Tiny Tortures - Flying Lotus
4. Intuition - Cambio Sun
5. You & Me (Flume Remix) - Disclosure
6. Tomorrow - Future Islands
7. I Love You - Woodkid
8. Naked - Balue
9. Higher (Flume Remix) - Ta-ku
10. Milano - Summer Heart
11. Dawn - Voyager
12. Move On (Teen Daze Remix) - Garden City Movement

Cover art via tumblr

I've made this playlist available for download hereEnjoy, and don't burn. 


You Took Your Time (ft. King Krule) - Mount Kimbie

YESSS! I finally got the new Mount Kimbie album! But never fear, my friends, scattered tracks are also on their soundcloud to everyone's convenience. Ok fine, admitting that the only reason I got into Mount Kimbie was because of King Krule IS sort of painful, but seriously, who could resist their mesmerizing beats? Of course, King Krule's slurred "guuuuurl"s' are a surprisingly subtle addition to the usual Mount Kimbie aesthetics. 

photo via google

1. Home Recording
2. You Took Your Time (ft. King Krule)
3. Break Well
4. Blood and Form
5. Made to Stray
6. So Many Times, So Many Ways
7. Lie Near
8. Meter, Pale, Tone (ft. King Krule)
9. Slow
10. Sullen Ground
11. Fall Out

I love the record so much I am so tempted to go out and hunt down a tangible version of the album. But just like every other album, I have favorites, which are in bold up above in the tracklisting. I am literally counting down the days until Krule's first full album's release in August (exact date yet to be confirmed). But yes, so psyched for Six Feet Beneath the Moon, so so psyched. 


Blue Eyes - Destroyer

I'm sorry I'm just going to update ya'll so you know that I am not yet dead.
Here's a picture of vintage Amy Poehler (A.K.A. my spirit animal) for my lovely readers to enjoy:

Photo via tumblr

And although I am currently listening to Destroyer, I've discovered a band from the deep depths of the internet that I literally cannot stop listening to. Check them out on their bandcamp: Vatican Dress.

And here's some Ron Swanson Ben & Jerry's. 

Photos via Tumblr

Okay I'm done. 


Homes - Orca Orca

Well isn't this a surprise - two posts in one week! Today's a Sunday so I spent the majority of my free time watching season what remains of Parks and Recreation. Today, I also watched the Stanford Prison Experiment documentary (the whole thing's on Youtube). This may seem oh-so-wrong in so many ways, but afterwards I ended up making a playlist about dancing. I'm not sure why, but the documentary kind of made me awfully calm. 

So here it is, my morally incorrect and inappropriately crafted playlist about dancing: 

The Future - Teen Daze
Holdin' On - Flume
Hot River - Yes Nice
Sirens (Slow Magic Remix) - Satellite Stories
Gasoline - Alpine
Brooklyn Sunburn - Teen Daze
Sunny - Marvin Gaye
Trip (Teen Daze Remix) - Vacationer
Don't Save Me - Haim
Bombay - El Guincho
Coral (Teen Daze Remix) - GRMLN

Just to make things clear, the picture is a screenshot from the movie Party Girl (1995). Here's a clip to my favorite voguing sequences EVER. 


Front Porch - Gloss

Truth is, winter is not my favorite season. Some people persist to believe that winter is the most cherish-able season of the year - oh, but it's not. Also, another thing in which I have been avoiding saying lately: I got nothin'. I'm starting to second guess myself (time wise), and whether or not I should be awarded The Worst Blogger Ever. Despite my serious problem, I can still say this: music's still good, tea's still good, everything's still good. Here's a playlist dedicated to all of you who need something to listen to so that you'll know that everything's still good and well. 

Go On
This Is How We Walk On The Moon - Arthur Russell
Face It - Beach Fossils
Find My Name in the Sun - And the Giraffe
Twin Cabins - Laika
Westside - Bye Bye Bicycle
Green Jacket - Deerhunter
Opus Orange - Nothing But Time
One of Us Cannot Be Wrong - Leonard Cohen

Sorry it's so short.