
Recharge & Revolt - The Ravoneottes

A few days ago I purchased the album Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not by the one and only Arctic Monkeys. They are my favorite band, and I now have 3 of their 4 albums. I usually download songs off the internet - despite my stinginess. But it was on sale for only $9! Besides, a lovely friend bought it for me using a voucher, so it was technically free. I've had the whole album on my itunes for a while anyways, but the quality was pretty shite.
So here I am, listening to the Smiths on a Sunday evening and trying to study. I have my SSATs' in exactly a month and I'm both nervous and anxious to take it. I get distracted extremely easily, and I can't seem to stop myself. I was also broswing through eBay looking for new white chuck taylors that are for sale under $50. Everything that seems to succeed all of my expectations end up having either 1) No shipping outside the US or 2) A shipping price over $10. I'll just have to wait till I go home and get even cheaper ones with no shipping prices or anything bizarre like that.
I've recently purchased a few clothing items but I'll post pictures later because I'm feeling very lazy right now (my laptop is on top of a stack of books). I'll continue my night, jamming to The Smiths and instant ramen at 7 pm. 

these two from http://gracemiceli.com
Where the Wild Things Are

photos borrowed from thestylerookie
Yes, this is the awkward ending I will always do. Night.

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